What we’re going to do with all the new stable slots Hunters get in Shadowlands
Last Wednesday, July 1st, the Hunter community's collective jaw hit the floor with the news that, come Shadowlands, we're getting more stable slots -- not just a robust 50, but enough so we can have a total of 206 pets.
Breakfast Topic: Are Demon Hunters the last class WoW should add?
It's no secret that some Warlocks are pretty unhappy about the addition of Demon Hunters to WoW.
Breakfast Topic: Do we have too many classes?
This is one that I've been wondering since the introduction of Death Knights, really.
WoW Archivist: The hidden crypts of Karazhan
During BlizzCon's Q&A panel, Tom Chilton had a question for us: "What would you think about Karazhan as a five player dungeon in patch 7.1?" The crowd responded, to put it mildly, with unanimous enthusiasm.