Wow Roleplay
Role Play: Adding realism to a roleplay character
World of Warcraft is by nature a game of entirely fantastical elements.
Role Play: Inter-faction roleplay
World of Warcraft wasn't exactly created with roleplayers in mind.
Role Play: Choosing a faction — Horde
Last week, we discussed the basics of the Alliance faction -- which races are available to play, and the kind of plot points you can expect to see with each race.
Role Play: Choosing a faction — Alliance
We've had several columns now where we've talked about developing and creating a character -- the basics of story creation, setting up character profiles, and even some of the basics of beginner roleplay.
Role Play: When roleplay is hard to find
Sometimes you can have the greatest character in the world, but for some reason you just can't find anyone to roleplay with.
Role Play: Race change and roleplay
Anyone can pay for a race change in World of Warcraft, if you're looking for a change of scenery.
Role Play: Plot points headed into Legion
This expansion has been just a little strange for roleplayers -- not in the sense of roleplay opportunities, there's certainly been plenty of that, but in terms of plot points -- where the story is leading.
Role Play: Lore spoilers and roleplaying
Contrary to the title, we're not actually going to talk about the lore spoilers that are floating out there in this week's roleplaying column.
Role Play: Roleplaying with new class lore
For some roleplayers, class has absolutely no impact on the character they play.
Role Play: Diving into Demon Hunter lore
BlizzCon 2015 may be over, but we came out of it with a mountain of information regarding the upcoming Legion expansion.