Breakfast Topic: I just plain love my class

This one’s easy. Some of us are broad generalists, playing a variety of classes and loving each for different reasons. And that’s great, if that’s your playstyle I’m absolutely not knocking it. But some of us are really partisans for our class of choice. We know who we are, says the guy who uses Warrior screenshots for everything.
For once I’m not going to write 400 words about how awesome Warriors are, but instead, talk about why it’s fun to identify with a specific class. There’s a sense of community inherent to it, and I think Blizzard is wise to attempt to tap into that to some extent, especially with the introduction of Class Halls. We are all different of course, but we’re still all members of our class, we have the same abilities and concerns, and it can be fun to talk to other people who play that class with the same focus and intensity that you do.
Also, let’s be honest, watching Warlocks and Mages go at it will never not be funny.
So this BT is for you to celebrate your class. Tell stories of awesome things you did with your classes toolkit, celebrate the history, the lore, or even just that time you stood outside and played OOC res bot in Molten Core.
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