Auriel, Gul’dan see changes in latest Heroes of the Storm patch

Though we knew we would be getting a rework of Valla in a future patch, today’s patch notes include changes to eight heroes, none of which are Valla. (Since her changes aren’t here, we expect them to come with the Machines of War patch, due to hit the PTR on August 29.)
Among the heroes getting tweaks in this balance patch are Nexus newcomers Auriel and Gul’dan. It’s typical for the devs to decide some tweaks are in order after they’ve seen heroes on live (often right after their price has been dropped) — and in this case that means some nerfs for Auriel and more minor adjustments to improve Gul’dan’s talent diversity.
- Level 1
- Shove (Active)
- Cooldown reduced from 30 to 20 seconds
- Shove (Active)
- Level 7
- Double Trouble (Q)
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 1.25 seconds
- Double Trouble (Q)
- Level 16
- Giant Scorcher (Q)
- Damage increased from 3 to 3.5% of target’s maximum Health
- Giant Scorcher (Q)
- Razor Swipe (Q)
- Damage reduced from 159 to 135
- Go for the Throat (R)
- Damage reduced from 420 to 355
- Marked for the Kill (R)
- Damage increased from 68 to 190
- Level 1
- Wolfheart (W)
- Cooldown reduction per attack reduced from 1 to .8 seconds
- Wolfheart (W)
- Level 4
- Eyes in the Dark (E)
- Stealth duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
- Eyes in the Dark (E)
- Level 7
- Incendiary Elixir (Q)
- Increased the damage bonus per quest stack from 10 to 15
- Increased the maximum damage bonus from 150 to 225
- Incendiary Elixir (Q)
- Level 20
- Unleashed (R)
- Damage bonus per kill increased from 25 to 35%, up to a maximum of 140%
- Unleashed (R)
Developer Comments: We’re pretty happy with the way Greymane is playing, but think that he’s doing more burst damage than we want from a Basic Attack focused Hero (at a very consistent rate). We’ve decided to address this by reducing the damage of Go for the Throat and Razor Swipe. We’re also increasing the damage of Marked for the Kill. While the focus of the Heroic is the long term Vulnerable, by increasing the damage we’re reducing the opportunity cost of giving up Marked for the Kill.
- Level 1
- Echoed Corruption (E)
- Number of hits required to complete quest reduced from 35 to 30
- Echoed Corruption (E)
- Level 7
- Curse of Exhaustion (E)
- Slow duration increased from 2 to 2.5 seconds
- Curse of Exhaustion (E)
- Level 13
- Fel Armor (Q)
- Ability damage reduction increased from 30 to 40%
- Fel Armor (Q)
- Level 16
- Rampant Hellfire (Q)
- Damage bonus increased from 6% per stack (30% max) to 8% per stack (40% max)
- Darkness Within (Trait)
- Damage bonus increased from 20 to 25%
- Rampant Hellfire (Q)
Developer Comments: While he has an acceptable win rate in the hands of experienced players, we felt that Gul’dan could use a few minor buffs and talent tweaks to help make his talent tiers more competitive. His Echo of Corruption quest ended up being completed earlier than we intended for such a strong effect, so we’re increasing the amount of Hero hits required. We are also are seeing a higher win rate for his Ruinous Affliction talent compared to others on his Level 16 tier. Rather than nerf this talent, we decided to buff the other options to make the tier more competitive and to make his late-game power spike more powerful.
- Basic Attack damage increased from 48 to 60
- Sacred Sweep (Q)
- Outer damage reduced from 80 to 75
- Inner damage reduced from 160 to 150
- Resurrect (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 90 to 70 seconds
- Range increased from 4 to 5
Level 1
- Increasing Clarity (Q)
- Lowered the quest bonus damage for each stack from 3 to 2
- Increased the number of hits required to complete the quest from 20 to 25
- Quest completion bonus increased from 60 to 70. The total damage bonus will remain at 120
Level 7
- Empathic Link (D)
- Energy reduced from 25 to 20% of Bestow Hope target’s damage taken
- Glimmer of Hope (W)
- Energy reduction from globes increased from 35 to 50%
- Energized Cord (W)
- Increased Energy gain from Auriel’s Basic Attacks from 100%/30% to 100%/50%
Level 13
- Blinding Flash (Q)
- Blind duration reduced from 4 to 3 seconds
Level 20
- Diamond Resolve (R)
- Damage resistance duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
Developer Comments: Auriel has had a very strong release. We’re happy to see some fresh blood (or hope) in the support scene, but do think that as players continue to master the newest Hero in the Nexus that her winrate will continue to climb. As such, we’re reducing the power of her Sacred Sweep Talents, as well as reducing some of her Energy gain from Empathic Link. We’ve also transferred some of her damage (and consequently her Energy gain) from Sacred Sweep into her Basic Attacks, as we found them lackluster than we’d like and not worth the risk necessary to use them.
- Thrusters (Z)
- Thrusters are now always active while in the Altar of Storms
- Artillery (Trait)
- Now also increases Sgt. Hammer’s Basic Attack range by 20%
Level 1
- Lethal Blast (W)
- Removed
Level 4
- Maelstrom Shells (Passive)
- Removed
Level 7
- Hyper-Cooling Engines (Z)
- Cooldown reduction increased from 10 to 15 seconds
- No longer makes Thrusters always active while in the Altar of Storms
Developer Comments:We’re planning to do a deeper dive into our favorite Siege Tank down the road, but in the meantime we felt Sgt. Hammer could use a few changes to make her feel more competitive compared to other heroes. Sgt. Hammer was originally designed to be the master of ranged damage, but has since become outshined by other poke heroes like Li-Ming and Chromie. To help her assert her spot again as a scary ranged damage-dealer, we’re making Maelstrom Shells a part of her baseline Artillery Trait, which should also help that tier’s pick rates. We’re also giving her a bit of a quality of life improvement by making her Thrusters always active when she leaves the Altar of Storms, which should help her get back to the game faster from her base.
Level 7
- I AM Hurrying! (Z)
- Duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds
Level 13
- Runic Feedback (E)
- Cooldown reduction increased from 1 to 1.25 seconds
- Gorge (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 80 to 60 seconds
- Mana cost reduced from 80 to 70
- El’druin’s Might (Q)
- Cooldown increased from 11 to 12 seconds
- Judgment (R)
- Cooldown reduced from 80 to 70 seconds
- Sanctification (R)
- Cooldown increased from 70 to 80 seconds
Level 4
- Horadric Reforging (Q)
- Cooldown reduction increased from 3 to 5 seconds
Level 7
- Reciprocate (W)
- Damage reduced from 200 to 170
- Angel’s Grace (Q)
- Movement Speed increased from 30 to 40%
- Searing Attacks (Active)
- Removed
- Follow Through (Passive)
- Added
Level 13
- Imposing Will (W)
- Fixed bug that was causing the Movement Speed slow to inconsistently stack with all other Movement Speed slows
- Angelic Absorption (W)
- Increased healing amount from 156 over 3 seconds to 208 over 4 seconds
Level 16
- Salvation (W)
- Increased bonus Shields from 35 to 45% per affected ally
Developer Comments: Tyrael has been trending upward since he last received a Talent update, and has reached a point where we’re ready to do a few nerfs to our Archangel of Justice. The major target points are a few of the over performing Talents, as well as some slight adjustments to a few of his cooldowns. Coupled with these nerfs, we’re also buffing a few of the lesser picked Talents so that he has more compelling options at every tier.
Heroes, Abilities, and Talents
- Auriel: Auriel can no longer become polymorphed indefinitely if she exits a self-cast Crystal Aegis in the same moment that she comes under the effects of the Garden Terror’s Queen’s Curse Ability.
- Auriel: The simple tooltip for Auriel’s Energized Cord Talent no longer incorrectly states that it doubles the energy stored by Basic Attacks.
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