What’s going on in July for WoW

July is looking like a pretty packed month as far as events go. Not only do we have the weekly bonus events, but Burning Crusade Timewalking will bring the long-awaited Black Temple Timewalking raid. We have a couple Raid Finder wings expected to open this month as well as a few micro-holidays and PVP Brawls. For July 4th, Azeroth will be celebrating the end of the Midsummer Fire Festival and America’s Independence Day with a grand firework show every hour on the hour in the capitol cities and Booty Bay. Midsummer Fire Festival technically ends the following morning on Wednesday, July 5th. Read on for the full schedule.
Darkmoon Faire
The Darkmoon Faire is currently going on this week, which is great for any rep building or profession points you may need. If you have at least 75 points in your given profession, you can do a quest for an additional 5 points and Darkmoon Prize Tickets. For anyone still trying to build rep, either for the Broken Isles factions with world quests or Pathfinder for flying, a quick ride on the carousel will get you a 10% increase for an hour. The carousel is also great for any alts you’re leveling — it gives you 10% more experience for an hour as well.
Also at the Faire are transmogs and new events. We have the usual replica dungeon transmogs, for sale via Darkmoon Prize Tickets, as well as a few new transmog items. There’s a new Blight Boar mini-game, where you must protect the Tauren Chieftans from the Death Metal Knight at the Cauldron of Rock. The event happens every half hour. The better you protect the band, by killing ghouls and the Death Metal Knight and even stage diving, the more points you earn. You can win cage helm transmogs, a microphone toy, and even a guitar mace.
Weekly Bonus Events for July:
The regular weekly bonus events are still on rotation as well, starting with pet battling and including Burning Crusade Timewalking this month.
- Pet Battle Bonus Event, starting this week (July 4-11)
- Burning Crusade Timewalking (July 11-18)
- Arena Skirmish (July 18-25)
- World Quest Bonus Event (July 25 – August 1)
Black Temple Timewalking
Coming with Burning Crusade Timewalking, we also have the debut of the Black Temple Timewalking raid. This will require organized groups to queue up for and it has been tuned slightly lower than Normal mode Tomb of Sargeras. It won’t be available in Looking For Raid, since they wanted to keep the raid difficulty consistent with the original level 70 version, but you can PUG it if so desired. The rewards are well worth it, starting at level 900 with a chance to upgrade to Titanforged or Warforged. This is equal to the gear level in Normal mode Tomb of Sargeras. Groups can queue up for the raid via the Timewalking vendor in Shattrath.
All of the pets from level 70 Black Temple for Raiding with Leashes will also drop in the Timewalking version, as well as the music scroll for your Garrison Jukebox in Draenor. Death Knights, Monks, and Demon Hunters have new drops in the raid to compensate for the lack of Tier 6 appearances. Demon Hunters can also acquire the transmog appearance for the Warglaives of Azzinoth if you’ve already gotten the Feat of Strength for collecting the legendary set from level 70 Black Temple. Simply kill Illidan in the Timewalking version for the subsequent achievement. You’ll be able to acquire the achievement to unlock the transmog on any character, since the Feat of Strength is account-wide, but only your Demon Hunter can actually use the appearance.
Tomb of Sargeras Raid Finder
The two middle Raid Finder wings of Tomb of Sargeras will unlock this month. The second wing, Wailing Halls (Demonic Inquisition, Sisters of the Moon, Desolate Host), will unlock on Tuesday, July 11. Two weeks later, on Tuesday, July 25, the third wing, Chamber of the Avatar (Maiden of Vigilance, Avatar of Sargeras), will also open.
If you need help with these bosses or just want a refresher, check out our Tomb of Sargeras Guide. You’ll have to keep waiting a bit for Kil’jaeden, however. The final wing, Deceiver’s Fall, won’t be open until next month on August 8.
And there’s still more
Two of the new micro-holidays are scheduled this month. We have the Auction House Dance Party coming next week — the Auction Houses around Azeroth have put up some temporary festive decorations. A light-up floor, disco lights, and a DJ with new music are here to make your Auction House experience much more fun. Players in the Auction House have a random chance to be teleported onto the stage, where you earn an appropriately-named buff, Happy Feet. The party will last for an entire week.
The month will conclude with the Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl on the 31st. Tipsi Wobblerune will stand outside your faction’s inn, ready to take you on an exciting tavern crawl through the various taverns Azeroth has to offer. Every few minutes, she will teleport you to a new inn, allowing you to sample the alcoholic delights from the tavern vendors. If you need to sober up at any point, Blackrock Coffee is only a couple coppers away.
- Auction House Dance Party (July 11-18)
- Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl (July 31)
Two PVP Brawls are also scheduled this month, on alternating weeks. The PVP Brawls add a new twist to existing battles, similar to the brawls in Hearthstone and Overwatch. Deep Six will pit teams of six against each other in Warsong Gulch, Silvershard Mines, and Temple of Kotmogu. But there are twists in each: Warsong Gulch has closer flags, Silvershard Mines has fewer carts, and Temple of Kotmogu only has two orbs to keep track of. Arathi Blizzard, on the other hand, has some very odd weather warnings.
- PVP Brawl: Deep Six (July 11-18)
- PVP Brawl: Arathi Blizzard (July 25 – August 1)
That’s all for July, but August is looking just as packed. Get ready for the ultimate fight in Tomb of Sargeras against Kil’jaeden the Deceiver himself and a brand new battle of fashion in the Trial of Style.
Coming next month in August:
- Northrend Timewalking (August 1-8)
- Raid Finder Wing 4, Deceiver’s Fall (August 8)
- Darkmoon Faire (August 6-12)
- Battleground Bonus Event (August 8-15)
- PVP Brawl: Gravity Lapse (August 8-15)
- Legion Dungeon Event (August 15-22)
- Trial of Style (August 17-21)
- Pet Battle Bonus Event (August 22-29)
- PVP Brawl: Warsong Scramble (August 22-29)
- Cataclysm Timewalking (August 29 – September 5)
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