Which game has the best Halloween event?

We’re in full Hallow’s End swing here in the Blizzardverse, and pretty much every game celebrating brought something new to the table this year. In WoW, we not only have some totally fetch toys that will turn you into either the head or butt of a horse, we also have a new costume set to turn you into Malfurion’s least favorite Satyr.
Meanwhile, Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch both showered us in tons of new cosmetics — from skins to sprays to banners and everything in between — that are sure to drive the completionists among us a bit insane. Plus, Hearthstone is even getting in on the fun this year with its own event which starts tomorrow. And none of this is to mention the Hallow’s End events themselves.
The Headless Horseman is back in Azeroth with updated loot and a mount that may or may not feel real, depending on your luck with RNG. Jamison Junkenstein has also reappeared in Future Earth, but this time, you’re able to take along a new set of heroes to face him in a seriously challenging Endless Mode.
Not too surprisingly, it’s a lot of Halloween fun to take it, and sometimes, you have to pick which one is worth your time. For some of you, that may be purely in terms of rewards — which is totally reasonable! — but others decide based purely on which event is the best or most fun. Today, I’m curious to see which one that is for all of you.
Personally, World of Warcraft’s Hallow’s End will always have a soft spot in my heart. It’s a Halloween event that’s been around since I was barely a teenager, and there’s something special about seeing an entire world decorated for Halloween. That said, Overwatch’s cinematic presentation of Junkenstein’s Revenge and Heroes of the Storm’s impressive array of awards both will probably steal more of my time this year simply for the fact that I have more to collect from them.
But that’s just me — what game has your favorite Halloween celebration? And why is that the case? For those who aren’t a fan of one particular holiday, what would change your opinion? Sound off below!
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