What’s one handy Battle for Azeroth tip you wish you knew earlier?

As Battle for Azeroth launched at midnight CEST Tuesday, things were a little bumpy server-wise so I didn’t get to log a ton of play time. My server was one of the six highest-pop realms left down so everyone else could enjoy their evening playing in Kul Tiras, so you’re totally welcome. When I was finally able to get back on, I had a nasty surprise.
While everyone else was busy enjoying the Jaina and Sylvanas cinematics which accompanied the launch of the pre-patch, I was on vacation for nearly two weeks. When I got home, I had a ton of esports events to catch up on — not to mention piles of laundry. I only did the event on one character. I used my Hunter, who can kill things quickly solo, as opposed to my Monk, which I intended to play when the servers came up. When I was finally — finally — able to play in the wee hours, I had to do the Battle for Lordaeron scenario before anything else. Sigh. Oh well.
I mentioned my plight on Twitter the next morning, and Rossi let me know that if I just struck up a chat with the NPC right next door, I could’ve boarded a ship to Kul Tiras immediately.
Before you ask, the XP yield for the scenario wasn’t good.
I’ve seen lots of these quick tips floating around that I really wish I’d heard about yesterday. Your Flight Master’s Whistle from Legion will continue to work in a zone once you unlock World Quests for that zone. You can immediately go level your cooking by hitting up Henrick Wyther or Koatini. Depending on your faction they’ll sell you everything you need to make Mon’Dazi directly across the square from the cooking trainer. No, of course I didn’t spend my precious leveling time fishing for Aromatic Fish Oil.
So, please help me help myself. What’s one tip or trick you wish you knew before you dove into Battle for Azeroth?
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