What are you great at?

I am a good tank.
No, that’s not true. Objectively, with my track record over the years? I am a great tank. I tanked up to Mythic Warlords bosses despite going blind for a decade. I was in Realm-First kills from The Burning Crusade right up to the beginning of Warlords, and even in Legion I stepped in to tank for my guild, without even seeing the fights first — and I did well. I am a very particular tank — I learned how back in Vanilla, when corner pulls and switching stances to break fear and hit multiple mobs was part and parcel of a Warrior’s tanking toolkit, and that sense of paranoia that at any moment a fight can go pear shaped has served me well over the years. Even with my disability, every so often I go tank a Mythic I’ve never seen just to see if I can do it. And the answer is usually yes, even on a class I don’t often tank on like a Death Knight.
I’m a great tank. I’m middling DPS, I’m not terrible at calling fights, and I enjoy World Quests and Warfronts and all, but tanking was my first love and I always end up coming back to it sooner or later. I’m good at it. I learn the changes fast. I can adapt to new boss mechanics pretty quickly, if I do say so myself. Some things I’m not the best at — no one’s perfect, and I absolutely hate tank fights where I’m supposed to suddenly take over a crystal or DPS something down and then switch back to tanking. But overall? Yeah, I’m great at tanking.
So now we turn to y’all. Consider this an open invitation to flex: What are you great at? What do you just get — whether it’s your Rogue DPSing or your Paladin tanking or your Druid doing her best Boomchickening — what do you feel comfortable and confident about? What do you know, whenever you end up doing it, that you will at least know what you’re doing? What are you great at?
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