What are your thoughts about this year’s BlizzCon schedule?
Okay, now that it’s been out for a day, can we just say that this year’s BlizzCon schedule redefines the phrase keeping their cards close to the vest? I mean, not to be overly clever here, but there’s playing it cool, and then there’s just plain not telling us anything about several panels so that we basically have no idea what’s going on. I can’t recall a single previous BlizzCon that went this far in terms of not telling us what we’re going to see at the convention — between waiting this long to even release the schedule, and then when they did release it deliberately obfuscating whole swaths of the convention right off the bat like this.
I mean, if you don’t want to let people know what you’re going to announce at the convention, this is certainly an approach you could take. I’m personally a little nonplussed by this — I mean, this is going to be my first BlizzCon and it’s one I was hoping to really get to see stuff at, but it’s hard to know what to do when you don’t even know what there is to see at the convention. Could it really have been so very difficult to give these panels names instead of just saying ‘Coming Soon’ and not even giving me a hint? I’d like to know what stuff I have to miss to see other stuff I want to see more, which is really difficult when I have no idea what any of it is.
I mean, I’m still ridiculously excited to be going to the convention. But I’m somewhat confused by this approach. What do you all think? Would you rather they just risk a bit of a tease just so you know what the general topics are, or are you okay with the secrecy if it means the convention gets a more exciting reveal?
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