All of the characters in Diablo 4 (so far)

When thinking about a Diablo game, it’s inevitable that we’ll focus on the characters we see. Diablo 3 is dominated in great part by characters like Deckard Cain, Tyrael, Leah, Adria, Belial, Azmodan, and Imperius, as well as Diablo and Malthael, the big two whose villainy drives the plot forward. But what of Diablo 4 characters?
From the trailer and the art we’ve seen so far, Diablo 4’s cast of characters will run the gamut as well, starting with Lilith, who has always played a major role in the Diablo universe but has only made a single (and easily missed) appearance in the franchise.
But who else are we going to see — and are there any characters we should see, but may or may not?
The characters we know will show up in Diablo 4
As we said before, there are certain characters that are either extremely likely or guaranteed to make an appearance in Diablo 4. We’re pretty sure these characters will definitely show up in the game:
- Lilith: The trailer outright confirms her presence in Diablo 4 — she’s the only character mentioned by name — although it doesn’t tell us what she’ll be doing or what her plans for Sanctuary are.
- Rathma: If that’s Rathma in the trailer (and signs suggest it is), then he’s definitely making an appearance.
- Inarius: He’s featured in some very cool art and makes a momentary appearance in the trailer, so I’d peg his likelihood at a solid 90%. I expect at the very least a cameo, and suspect there will be more.
- Andariel and Duriel: We will see both of the demon twins this game. Blizzard has shown concept art of both, and has even shown Duriel fighting a Barbarian, they’ll be appearing in Diablo 4. But without as much as trailer cameo, we don’t know what they’ll be up to or how it reflects the events of Diablo 2 or Diablo 3.
These are the only characters that I’d be willing to say will appear. It’s possible we won’t get Inarius, but I find that extremely unlikely, especially if we end up needing to find a way to stop Lilith and Rathma from doing whatever it is they’re up to in this game.
Characters that might show up in Diablo 4
Not everyone is so certain to appear in Diablo 4, at least not initially. But I’m willing to bet on some or all of them appearing at some point. So let’s go over the possibilities.
- Tyrael: I feel like the events of Diablo 3 put Tyrael in a weird place. He’s mortal now, which means he’s going to die someday, and when he does we have no idea what will happen. He’s not part demon the way humans are, so what will become of his soul? Last we saw him he was on Sanctuary creating the new Horadrim, which have apparently fallen on hard times as of Diablo 4. I’d put odds on seeing Tyrael at about 50%.
- Lorath Nahr: If we don’t see Tyrael, it would make sense to see Lorath Nahr, as in the absence of the Horadrim’s founder he’d be the one most likely to try and hold the organization together. With Deckard Cain dead, Lorath would be the most likely Horadrim contact if we have any at all. I’d put his likelihood at around 40%. I don’t expect him, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him either.
- The Three Prime Evils: I feel like the Prime Evils will have a presence in Diablo 4, but I don’t know if that presence will involve actual appearances. Blizzard has said they may be keeping Diablo away for a while, which makes me think the big three — Baal, Mephisto, and Diablo — will be something looming off in the distance, not a part of the initial storyline of Diablo 4.
- Leah:Since I don’t expect to see the Prime Evils for a while, I don’t expect to see Leah. I’d say less than 10% chance of seeing her.
- Adria: If the Prime Evils (especially Diablo) appear, Adria will too. Otherwise I don’t expect to see her, although she would be the type to switch loyalties to Lilith if she felt like there was something in it for her.
- The Hosts of Heaven: This includes characters like Imperius and other Angels. We’ve been told that the Angels sealed their gates and haven’t been seen on Sanctuary since the end of Diablo 3. It’s likely that Malthael nearly killing every human on the face of the planet made them feel like Sanctuary is a lost cause, and they’re off taking the time to fortify for the next assault from Hell. I don’t expect to see any of them in Diablo 4, at least not for some time.
Characters that would be interesting to see in Diablo 4
Since we don’t know what classes are making an appearance as playable, besides the Barbarian, Druid, and Sorcerer/Sorceress. we can’t say for sure if any of the lore representatives of those classes will be around. If that is Rathma causing Lilith’s return, we might well see some Necromancers (aka Priests of Rathma) making an appearance, perhaps even supporting him.
These are a few potential figures who might show up, depending on how the story goes:
- Bul-Kathos: This Nephalem was of the same generation of Rathma, although we don’t know if he’s a direct descendant of Lilith and Inarius the way Linarian/Rathma was. But as he founded the Barbarian tribes that guarded the Worldstone for generations, he may well make an appearance in Diablo 4.
- Fiacla-Géar: Likewise, this powerful Ancient — also the same generation of Nephalem as Bul-Kathos, Esu and Linarian/Rathma — funded Scosglen and the Druid order. Since Diablo 4 seems to start in Scosglen and since the Druids are heavily involved, I’d expect to at least hear more about him if not actually see him.
- Esu: Another Ancient, and founder of the Zann Esu Clan, and thus of the Sorceresses. Esu has not been seen or heard from in so long that even back during the Sin War no one, not even her fellow Ancients, knew what had become of her. But with Lilith returning it feels possible she might come back. A weird theory forms in my head that Bul-Kathos, Fiacla-Gear, and Esu might well be reincarnating and that’s who you’re playing in Diablo 4. Probably not.
- The Nephalem: Yes, the PC from Diablo 3 who struck down Diablo and Malthael. What happened to them? Where did they go after defeating Malthael? Last we saw of them, Tyrael was afraid of their power. It would be interesting to see what the emergence of such a powerful member of the Nephalem after so many years caused, and if they were somehow involved in Lilith’s return.
For now, though, we’re left waiting for more information. Diablo 4 is, after all, a long way away.
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