Visions of N’zoth has three new adorable Alpaca mounts — but how will you become best friends with them?

Meerah has Dolly and Dot, and players with an eye for charity could adopt Dottie, but what about those who want to ride an Alpaca into battle? Luckily for us, Visions of N’Zoth adds not one Alpaca mount, but three! Finally, after hours of listening to Meerah’s jukebox, you’ll have your own Alpaca to make up songs about — and let me tell you, you want these Alpaca. They are extremely adorable. Getting these Alpaca isn’t super hard — but they each have their own trick to taming them.
The most important thing you need to remember about getting these mounts is that alpaca have small teeth and like to eat. No, really.
Elusive Alpaca
It’s no wonder that the Vulpera don’t have Alpaca as mounts, they can be so tough to find! The Elusive Alpaca can be found wandering the dunes of Vol’dun. But before you go scouring the desert make sure you bring along what it likes to eat — Seaside Leafy Greens. These can be bought from a variety of innkeepers like the Tortollan who live at Tortaka Refuge in Vol’dun or from the vendor on the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur. Luckily the Elusive Alpaca is just looking for a snack so you only need to bring one along.
Once you’ve got your greens in hand it’s time to go Alpaca hunting! This Alpaca loves to get around there are at least 15 possible spawn locations for it — so finding it can be a bit daunting. When you do find it the Alpaca will hang around for up to ten minutes after someone feeds it, letting anyone who comes along with the Seaside Greens before it wanders off their chance to get the mount. This means that you can make a raid group of people and have them all looking in different places in Vol’dun until someone finds it, and everyone can get the mount! There were a bunch of groups just like that when I went hunting earlier so hopefully you should have no problems finding one of your very own.
Friendly Alpaca
You’ll find your next fuzzy friend wandering around the desert of Uldum. The Friendly Alpaca also likes to eat, so like with the Elusive Alpaca make sure that you have its favorite food ready before you go looking for it. The friendly Alpaca loves Gersahl Greens which grows along the river banks of Uldum. These can be a little tough to see — the plants are on the smaller side — but if you’re a Herbalist or you have a friend with Herbalism they can help you spot them. Luckily the Gersahl Greens don’t despawn so you could pick all seven of the Greens you’ll need before even feeding it once.
Now that you’ve got snacks on hand it’s time to find the Friendly Alpaca. It also has a variety of different potential spawns across the zone, so keep your eye peeled for a daily quest popping up somewhere unexpected. That’s right, this Alpaca wants you to Alpaca it up. The quest is really simple, just feed the Alpaca the greens. You’ve done your good deed for the day, and the Alpaca is happy that it got a meal. This Alpaca has a lot in common with its elusive cousin — it also hangs around for ten minutes after being fed, and players can complete the quest in a raid group. So once again if you’re having trouble finding it check the group finder for a raid of Alpaca seekers.
You’ll have to Alpaca it up with Greens seven times before the Friendly Alpaca truly trusts you. That final time instead of getting Alpaca it up it’ll have a new quest, Alpaca it in. Your reward? Finally getting to ride the Springfur Alpaca.
Dunegorger Kraulok
The trick to getting Mollie the Alpaca is to be lucky. They are the most straightforward of the Alpaca. A Slightly Damp Pile of Fur was added to Dunegorger Kaulok’s loot table in the patch. All you have to do is wait for him to be roaming the desert and beat him up for your chance to rescue Mollie from his clutches. I’m not sure how an undead Tyrannosaur got their tiny arms on an Alpaca, but chances are that he was going to use his big teeth to do some eating of his own. Good thing you came along to save the day!
Now you’re ready to go collect them all! What you do after you get them is up to you. I recommend staging hoof races between Yaks, Talbuks, and Alpaca to finally prove which expansions mounts are the cutest. But I expect it’ll come out to a tie.
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