How are you planning to approach alts and Covenants in Shadowlands?

We don’t know when the next World of Warcraft expansion, Shadowlands, is getting released. Since it’s in alpha at the moment, we’re looking at a long wait. Still, that doesn’t stop many of us from making plans. Small plans, big plans — all kinds of plans.
Some of the most exciting upcoming features in Shadowlands are the Covenants and all they entail, and choosing which Covenant you’re going to pledge allegiance to is a big deal. There are many, many factors involved in making that choice. Fom story, to aesthetics, to how well your character would fit in a specific group, to which abilities you’ll get — passive, active, class-specific — to which rewards will be available to you, to what armor sets you might get for transmog… whew! It’s definitely a lot, and that makes people very excited. But it can also make people anxious. “What if I make the wrong choice? What if I want to unlock them all, see them all, and get all the transmog?”
Some of us alleviate that by carefully planning which alt will go to each Covenant. And sometimes we go the extra mile and plan which alt of each armor type will go to each Covenant, even. I have to confess that I’m in that group: At the moment, I fully intend to take 16 different characters through Shadowlands content — one of each armor type for each Covenant. But that’s mostly because we don’t know yet how the armor unlocks will work. They could be fully unlocked regardless of armor type, requiring you to only play four characters total to unlock it all. Until Blizzard reveals more details — or such information is found by the testers — all we can do is plan.
How about you? Do you have a favorite Covenant yet? Do you plan on seeing all of them, or are you happy with picking one and sticking with it? Do you see an opportunity to do all the different Covenant content on different alts, similarly to how the Class Hall content worked in Legion? Are you already making plans, or are you waiting for more information? Or will you simply decide once you actually experience them in the game?
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