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WoWOct 13, 2020 1:00 pm CT

Undead Hunters are the only ones who can tame Undead pets (for now)

Once we’re in the Shadowlands, it will be possible for all Hunters to get the book Simple Tome of Bone-Binding and therefore all Hunters will be able to tame undead monstrosities as pets. That’s pretty great. However, if you’re the impatient sort and you want a gigantic skeletal dinosaur pet right now — maybe you’re mad about a certain dinosaur being sold at auction, I don’t know — then be aware that those of you with the foresight to play an Undead Hunter will be able to tame Undead pets right now, in the Shadowlands pre-patch.

That’s pretty awesome, in my opinion. Our old pal Bendak has written a guide over at Wowhead with a whole host of ideas for you Forsaken to get out there and tame yourselves some Undead pets. It breaks your options down into Devilsaurs, Hounds, Birds of Prey, Raptors, and Wind Serpents, and that’s a fair amount of variety of slightly deceased pets to bring into the Shadowlands alongside your slightly deceased Hunter. Some of the options (like Reban from King’s Rest) can’t be tamed until you’re level 51, so focus on the pets that are available right now. There are still quite a few, with a lot of options for Hounds, for example, if you’re in the market for a dead pet that’s still moving.

I have a level 50 boost because I didn’t use it before the patch, and I’m seriously considering getting an Undead Hunter with it just so I can tame me some undead pets a bit early. I’m particularly interested in the Devilsaurs, of course — the Vilebone Ravager is my current favorite and one I’m sincerely considering going for. Sadly, Forsaken can’t tame the Blight Hound because, although it’s an Undead Hound, it’s only available from the Blood Elf Heritage armor quests. Once Shadowlands rolls around you could get the book on your Blood Elf, then tame the Blight Hound, and then race change to Undead, I suppose, but that’s a lot of work and the whole point is to get a cool Undead pet now.

Still, there are a lot of options out there for the next few weeks while you are looking for stuff to do on your Undead Hunter, and I’m so so tempted to spend that level boost, guys.

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