What spec that you currently play do you think needs a revamp?

For me, as I play my various characters getting ready for World of Warcraft‘s upcoming Shadowlands expansion, I keep coming back to Arms spec for my Warrior. Playing my Ret Paladin, I keep thinking, “This is how a 2H weapon based DPS spec should play,” with lots of options and a constant flow of abilities to use. I don’t ever feel bored by Ret — I’m always picking what to do next, when I get my Holy Power up to three I know to prioritize Templar’s Verdict.
Arms works. That really has to be said. There’s nothing wrong with it, exactly, at least as far as getting things done. But when I compare it to my Ret Paladin or my Fury Warriors, it’s boring. Being a boring spec isn’t a crime and it’s hardly as important as fixing a broken or underperforming spec, and we’re not level 60 yet — we don’t have our full toolkits or Conduits or Soulbinds. So I’m not saying Buff Arms, or anything like that.
But the fact is, Arms is at best a placid spec. If you’re a big fan of basically hitting three buttons over and over again, with the occasional use of Colossus Smash or what have you, then it’s a solid enough spec — I can do all the same content as Arms as I can Fury or Ret or Frost DK, I just don’t enjoy doing it as much. And while fun is a nebulous and intangible thing to try and describe and I definitely believe time should be spent on underperforming specs first, I also think that the Fury overhaul we’ve seen since Warlords that hit its stride in Legion and has continued since proves that it can be done — Fury is right now at probably its most fun and dynamic best.
So, what about you all? Is there a class/spec that you play that feels like it needs something, whether it be a revamp, a buff, a redesign or what have you?
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