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Discussion > WoWDec 11, 2020 8:00 am CT

What do you think is going to happen in the next World of Warcraft expansion?

I mean, where do you go after the afterlife?

World of Warcraft has taken us to the Shadowlands with the current expansion, a weird otherworldly realm of the dead, and it’s been a wild ride so far, with quite a bit potentially coming down the road before we finish with the expansion. There’s potential for whole new zones in upcoming patches like Thros or Helya’s realm of Helheim. We could well end up in entirely new places we’ve never heard of nor seen before — there’s just a lot going on. Shadowlands, as an expansion, is a very stuffed-full experience.

This has me seriously curious as to what we’re going to be doing after we get done with the land of the dead. Are we just going back home? That feels extremely odd to me, especially after we just had Battle for Azeroth as the big expansion set entirely on Azeroth dealing with the world and its issues. However, there’s still a lot to deal with — giant sword in the planet, potentially killing it, all that kind of thing.

One possibility could be to go to the Emerald Dream, an expansion idea that’s been bandied about since the beta for World of Warcraft back in 2003. There’s also the idea of doing a Light vs. Void expansion, or just going on a road trip either celestially to various other worlds and exploring the Warcraft cosmology, or doing an expansion that’s just us exploring Azeroth itself, going to strange new lands on our little familiar home world.

So now, let me ask y’all — what do you think the next WoW expansion will be? What can it be? Where are we going next after we explored the lands of death, are we going to where all life comes from? Are we braving the madness of the Void, the wonders of the Holy Light? Are we going to the dark recesses of the underworld beneath our feet? What’s the next expansion going to be?

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