Why would you change your Covenant?

Honestly I can’t think of any reason I’d change from Night Fae on my Nelf Warrior — I like the AOE DPS of Ancient Aftershock, and I enjoy the story and how it interacts with my character and the past couple of expansions. This is pretty much exactly the kind of thing I wanted to do — go find the Night Elf spirits who died when Teldrassil was destroyed and liberate them from the Maw, it’s overall exactly what I wanted to end up doing. So for me, I wouldn’t change a thing — I wouldn’t go Venthyr for Condemn, I’d really never go Necrolord no matter what they added.
But clearly not all players choose their Covenants due to RP reasons, and with patch 9.0.5 redesigning some Covenant abilities, it’s possible people who chose their Covenants for DPS or tanking or healing viability may well feel like they have to pick a new Covenant soon. So would you change your Covenant if sims said that Kyrian is the new hotness? Or would you tough it out as a Venthyr even if it wasn’t tops DPS anymore?
Another possibility is that you might decide the story isn’t for you and you want to experience a new Covenant Campaign without leveling a new alt to 60 — maybe you’re annoyed at how the Kyrian story is unfolding and want to stop helping them. or you’re super curious what Kel’Thuzad is up to this expansion and so you’ve felt compelled to switch and start exploring the Necrolord side of things. You could have any reason, really — I’m really just curious if any reason would do, if there’s anything that would get you to switch your Covenant now. Why would you, if there’s any reason good enough, change your character’s choice of Covenant?
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