How to get this year’s best transmog item: Rhinestone Sunglasses

Shadowlands patch 9.0.5 was mostly built around balancing and a few quality-of-life changes, so it may have slipped under your radar that you can now transmog your helm to Rhinestone Sunglasses. Both the ability to transmog using them and the item itself are things that have been highly desired for a long time, and so demand for the Rhinestone Sunglasses is at an all-time high. Here’s how you can acquire your own set.
The cheapest option is to get them for free — from the Blingtron 4000. It has a ridiculously low chance to be rewarded from the Gift Package, but if you use your Blingtron 4000 daily you should get it eventually — just not any time soon (unless you’re really lucky). The only catch is that only an engineer with 75 points in Pandaria Engineering can summon it — it’s in your Toys collection tab if you’ve made it in the past — so if you don’t have one of those you’ll need to hope some other kind soul puts one down for you.
If you don’t have the patience to check a specific MOP-era Blingtron daily, your next option is to purchase one off of the Auction House or Madam Goya’s Black Market. The BMAH is probably not a great source at this point, as it’s not always up and when it does appear its starting price is 500,000 gold. The regular Auction House price varies based on availability, but typically runs between 100K and 300K gold when listed — however its availability and pricing are still very volatile, so you may want to keep an eye on the market before committing.
Find a Jewelcrafting friend … or make it yourself
The materials for the Rhinestone Sunglasses aren’t that hard-to-get or expensive (server-dependent, but around 10K gold total on the AH), so if you can acquire them yourself you may be able to find someone in your guild or on your server who can make them for you. You can search your guild membership to see who can make them, but as it’s likely the majority of players got their recipe ten years ago, they may no longer be playing. If you do find someone able to make it for you, be sure to toss a coin (or a thousand) to your Jewelcrafter.
Finally, if you have a character who is trained in Cataclysm Jewelcrafting, you can attempt to farm the recipe yourself. It is a world drop with an extremely low drop rate, with a slightly higher chance of dropping from a rare spawn than a regular mob. Various reports put the number of kills required in the thousands, so it’s not recommended that you farm it unless you want to become a manufacturer of the Sunglasses yourself.
The Rhinestone Sunglasses are a sparkling addition to any player’s wardrobe, so keep both eyes out for your own pair. If the price or effort of obtaining feels too heavy for you, then you can wait for patch 9.1, which gives us a set of different glasses for transmog, although their source is currently unknown.
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