How do you approach using catch-up mechanics?

I just returned to Azeroth after a few months off and I’m trying to figure out which of my characters to focus on and get through into Zerethh Mortis, and I realized that Shadowlands is the first World of Warcraft expansion where I stopped playing for an extended period of time. Not even in Battle for Azeroth did I take a chunk of months and not play at all during that time. It’s not even that I don’t like the expansion. I just wasn’t feeling much like playing any Blizzard game for a while there, probably for various reasons involving massive harassment lawsuits and the like.
But I’m back now, and I’m enjoying the game and all — but I really haven’t decided who to get to Zereth Mortis and how to get them there. Should I get my Tauren up and go through Korthia first? Or get back on my Night Elf and use her much better gear and leap straight into Zereth Mortis? Or should I instead pick my Dwarf and blast through all of the Covenant story she’s missed? I admit, this time, I’m feeling a little lost with who to play and how I should get caught up and with patch 9.2.5 on the horizon I need to make a decision and soon.
So I guess I ask you guys. If you were me, what would you do? Would you get on your original Shadowlands main and head straight for Zereth Mortis? Or pick an alt and level to 60, get through the Covenant story and climb in Renown? Should I take my time and do Korthia before I go to Zereth Mortis or just head straight there? This is the first time I’ve really had to do this in a long time, so any advice is welcome. Tell me what to do, readers at home.
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