The Queue: Twas the day before my birthday

Mitch asked for someone to take the Queue, and with my birthday just a day away I figured why not? It’s also the day before The Sandman arrives as well as new episodes of Harley Quinn and 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. But that’s tomorrow.
Today, we answer questions!
What kind of music do you like?
To be honest, I like most music, from classics to jazz to standards to anything played on the radio the past 70 years. Like most old-ish people I tend to listen to the music I grew up with — late 70s and 80s top 40 — but I still make an effort to listen to new music (10 Things I Hate About You is fantastic, and Sunroof is the bop of the summer). But I’ve also been listening to a lot of Barry Manilow lately, so yeah, I’d say my taste in music is best described as “variety”.
Which class will have their talent trees revealed next and why?
There aren’t that many left, but I’m going to go with Demon Hunter. I know it’s joked about how thin the trees are going to be because the class isn’t as well-developed as the others, but I feel there’s a freedom there that’ll let them get creative — and therefore needs to get out there testing asap.
I do hope we get Darkglare Boon in the Demon Hunter talent tree because it’s so much fun chain-casting Eye Beam.
Question for Blizzard Watch – How much fun will this be?
Warrior – Stances are currently a work in progress and undergoing internal iteration. A large part of their goal is to guide the fantasy of each spec but mechanically, the goal for these is not to encourage frantic stance shifting. But rather switching at certain major points in an encounter, such as For DPS Warriors during a painful AOE damage phase, or for Protection Warrior that are off tanking they may temporarily switch to deal more damage.
I think I still would prefer Gladiator to switch into for DPS, as a tank, but this seems like a great start! Oh my stars.
Matt answered this yesterday, but I’m taking a swing at it too because I loved Gladiator Stance and lamented its passing. My favorite Warrior “class fantasy” is spear and shield, and while I still don’t have a 1H spear to use I’ve been playing as Prot for the last few expansions and it’s just so much slower to kill stuff that I feel compelled to go Fury most of the time. With these changes, however, I’ll be able to keep the shield equipped and just tailor my build and stance for more dps. It won’t be as good as Gladiator Stance (I agree with Matt that it’s likely not returning, even if I want it to) but it’ll let me play my warrior the way I want to so Yay!
Of course, my Warrior isn’t my main and rarely does instanced content so I can get away with being a dps-talented Prot in the open world, but if I do venture into dungeons or raids with her I’ll need to have a Fury spec too if I don’t feel like tanking.
What is your least favorite type of mob design? For me it’s caster mobs designed to have one spell interrupted or it just wrecks you. Mainly because if that caster mob gets put in a group of two other mobs that are also caster mobs your in for a tough fight. Have to blow cooldowns or die because can’t interrupt all three.
My initial thought is “any mob that dazes you” but that’s more of an awful mechanic, not mob design. Honestly my biggest peeve are loss-of-control effects. Roots I don’t mind, but stuns, disarms and fears I can’t stand. If I wanted to watch the fight instead of participating in it I would watch a streamer play.
(Note that this only applies to PVE; I get why PVP needs these effects)
Q4tQ: do you feel your class and/or race has anything that’s become an iconic “look”?
Is Fated LFR difficult at all?
The ilvl reward would actually be an upgrade for me, but I don’t want to spend hours wiping on bosses for them.
For a brief glorious moment it was super easy, but the devs fixed the “problem”.
My understanding is that while it’s a little more difficult than regular LFR, the higher ilvl requirement for entry balances it out. Don’t expect it to be an easy one-shot and it shouldn’t feel all that much different from your standard LFR runs — but I definitely recommend doing it earlier in the reset rather than putting it off until the night before.
Q4TQ: Outside of survival being broken this past season, has anyone ever wanted to have one in their non-pvp pug? When I got looking for hunters it’s because I need a ranged character.
This actually points to a larger problem with World of Warcraft that I have little faith they’ll ever deal with, and that’s the fact that a mob doesn’t die of fright when my Highmountain Tauren harpoons and launches at them. I mean, seriously, a half-ton of muscle flying at you is a lot more terrifying than arrows whizzing by from 30 yalms away and should make the target just give up on the spot. If the game better handled the “reality” of what was happening, Survival Hunters would be in high demand.
It’s immersion-breaking is what it is.
Well that’s all the time we have for questions today, thanks for putting up with me and as always thank you for your patronage of this site. Liz is still scheduled for tomorrow so be sure to ask her plenty of questions about Liz stuff!
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