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D&D > Discussion > Off Topic > Tabletop RPG > Video GamesSep 9, 2022 8:00 am CT

What is your favorite genre of game and what makes it your favorite?

In terms of both video games and tabletop games, I tend to prefer role-playing games. There’s a tremendous diversity of playstyles, mechanics, and features in both the pen-and-paper games I play and also in the computer games I enjoy — there are RPGs like Xenogears that use a turn-based system even more rigid than Dungeons and Dragons and a narrative that is, at best, more computerized storytelling than anything with player choice or agency, yet still manages to be entertaining, and there are RPGs like Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, which allows for a plethora of player choices and completely different endings based on those choices, and a whole slew of games that go further than either.

In terms of tabletop RPGs, I enjoy a wide variety from the various D&D editions and offshoots like Pathfinder to more esoteric games like Exalted, or Kult, or Call of Cthulhu, or Agon, Blades in the Dark, or Carbon 2185. I buy new RPGs that I know I won’t get to play like The Sprawl because I find the idea of playing an entire world with my friends so engrossing that I often just enjoy reading a game and imagining how I would actually go about running it.

I’m sure this all says a lot about me, what I like, how I approach gameplay. But that also means that there’s all sorts of untapped knowledge in what you all prefer to play, and in sharing those preferences we could discover depths to our personalities we may not have anticipated.

So I’m curious — what kind of games grab your attention? Why do you play them? What do you get out of playing them? Are you a wargamer who loves immersive sims, a MOBA addict who can’t stop being tactical, or all of the above? What genre of games best suits you?

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Filed Under: Games, Gaming, Tabletop Games

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