Where in Azmerloth would you like to go next?

I have seen the future, and the future is Murloc! Players in Dragonflight have been treated to a glimpse into an alternate timeline Azeroth that took a decidedly fishier turn than the main one. It’s an amazing little area full of Murloc versions of characters battling against a large Deathwing Murloc during the Dragon Soul raid. Your character isn’t entirely sure what’s happening, since you don’t speak Murloc, but “fight giant dragon” is a pretty universal concept so it works well.
Then it’s over and you’re back into our version of Azeroth.
The upcoming patch roadmap makes it clear that we’ll be returning to the Primalist Tomorrow as part of the quests in a future patch. I’m wondering if it isn’t time to return to Azmerloth as well — since they’re both destinations that we get to through help from the Bronze dragons.
I’d love to see a new version of the Caverns of Time that sends us to a little selection of dungeons from major moments of Azerothian history, only more Murloc-y. We could see the Murloc Scarab War and Murloc’thun, the Trial of the Murloc Crusader at the Icecrown Tournament, and deal with the fiendish Sire Denathriloc in the Shadowlands.
Or maybe the upcoming megadungeon in patch 10.1.5 could have Murky taking us on a sightseeing tour through Azmerloth similar to Star Tours at Disneyland. Sure things get a little hectic at times, but at the end of it we could be walking away with our very own magnificent Murloc mount!
What about you, what bit of Azeroth would you like to see Murlocified? Do you want to see Gillidan fight Arthloc? Tyrion Murlocding wielding Fishbringer? The floating city of Murlockdan and all the fishy Mages that reside within? Or do you think that a little bit of Azmerloth goes a long way and we should be focusing on what those Gnolls are up to for our next megadungeon.
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