When will Wrath Classic Phase 2 start? Look for the next phase on January 17!

It’s been a few months since Phase 1 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic went live, giving players the opportunity to complete Naxxramas, The Obsidian Sanctum, The Eye of Eternity, and Vault of Archavon as they journey through Northrend. But many players have already burned through the Phase 1 raids, and that means the Wrath Classic Phase 2 release date is just around the corner! Blizzard hasn’t officially given us a date for most future Phases in Wrath’s five-phase roadmap, but we now know that Wrath Classic Phase 2 will start on January 17, with the Ulduar raid launching on January 19.
That has Phase 2 starting just after the Joyous Journeys XP buff ends on January 16. So if you’re trying to level up to get ready for the next raid tier, you’re running out of time!
Wrath Classic Phase 2 includes fan-favorite raid Ulduar, an epic foray into a massive Titan facility containing 14 raid bosses. Ulduar’s original release in patch 3.1 was very short, lasting only 112 days, before patch 3.2 added the Trial of the Crusader raid with better rewards. Based on recent community feedback, Blizzard has tossed around ideas to improve the experience of Ulduar in Wrath Classic, including higher ilevel drops so they won’t immediately be outclassed by upcoming content, bringing pre-nerf versions of bosses, and additional drop adjustments for Heroic mode with a similar consideration for Season 6 PVP rewards. Remember, Ulduar launches shortly after Phase 2 begins, on January 19.
But there’s a lot of content that will go live on January 17 when Phase 2 starts. We’ll see a new take on dungeons with Titan Rune dungeons that are similar to Mythic+ dungeons in retail WoW. These dungeons will have themed affixes making them more difficult — while also providing better loot. Season 6 of PVP is kicking off as well, awarding top-tier PVPers with the Furious Gladiator title and Furious Gladiator’s Frost Wyrm mount. Players will also get a first look at the Argent Tournament grounds, which will open with new content and quests when Phase 2 launches — even though the associated dungeon and raid won’t be live until Phase 3.
For all of the details on Wrath Classic Phase 2, check out Blizzard’s official post about the latest Phase. We’ll see you in Ulduar next week!
Updated January 11, 2023
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