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Discussion > Overwatch 2 > Video GamesMay 29, 2024 8:00 am CT

An ode to all of the video games we’ve watched. Which games are you obsessed with but never played?

I watch a lot of Stardew Valley videos. I know all about foraging Mystic Trees for Mystic Syrup to use in crafting recipes. I know about the new content from patch 1.6. I know why you’d want to make Radioactive Bars and why you can’t make a Radioactive Axe (quality ends at Iridium). I know that Sebastian is a popular romantic partner and how Shane is kind of a wet blanket.

I have literally never once played this game. Honestly, I’m a little afraid to play it. It’s like all the elements of Fallout 4 and World of Warcraft I find addictive rolled into one game. It’s crazy how much this game has in it — Eric Barone has made a game that I find utterly compelling and astonishing in equal measure, and I don’t think I’d dare to let myself get swept up in spending my days farming and my nights exploring dungeons.

There are dungeons. There are magic swords. There are dinosaur eggs that you can hatch, giant mushroom trees, the game is almost surrealistic at times. And I know all of this not through playing the game, but from watching my wife play it and watching videos on YouTube about it.

It’s not the only game like that out there. I’m notoriously a huge Overwatch lore fan but I tried playing it once and nearly lost my lunch from motion sickness, so nowadays I just watch and rewatch all the cinematics and trailers and videos I can find out it. I seriously cannot even try to play the game. In the case of Destiny, it’s more that I don’t really care for the looter shooter genre in general but I do like the lore, the epic cinematics I can find and enjoy the voice acting for some of the characters, such as Cayde-6.

So now I ask you — are there any games that you do this with? Games you find interesting, important, or even just plain cool, but don’t play for one reason or another?

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