Anna Bell
The Queue: Big Mouth Billy Bass
Look, sometimes when we write, we fall down bizarre rabbit holes from which there is no escape. No judgement.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and some answers might be more thorough than others.
The Queue: that new patch smell
While I’m always excited for a new top tier, .X patch, I’m a little confused as to what’s going on with these weird obscure subdivided patches. I like the fact that there’s new stuff, but it’s especially inconvenient when they launch smaller community features which prove popular, like this Secrets of Azeroth event. I’m enjoying the event, but it’s going to be such a hassle to pinpoint which patch it dropped during, exactly.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer as soon as we use the wiki to triangulate the exact date. At least it smells like leather?
The Queue: Pumpkin Spice
This part of the year is always the worst for me. I hate the heat and fall is my favorite season, so when people start talking about how fall is well on its way when we haven’t had an overnight low under 75 F in a month, it feels like a taunt. But I’m stubborn, so I’ll just curl up under a fuzzy blanket with a seasonal beverage and sweat.
This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we supply the answers with a dash of nutmeg.
How to get rid of the exclamation point on your UI in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 5
What makes a game something everyone recommends to you?
The Queue: Queuessical the Musical
Good Morning, Queue! I feel like I’ve used this particular conceit before, but if so it’s still fine — we’re doing a sequel. By know, you should know that anything goes.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we are sorry, not sorry about our answers.
The Queue: Devouring the scenery
One thing I always adore about Overwatch is how completely over-the-top the performances and lines are. Every character is larger than life, with reactions and interactions to match.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we FACE THE SUNRISE!