Anna Bell
The Queue: The System Is Down
Sometimes, the only way you can express yourself is with a 20 year old meme.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll answer just as soon as we finish burninating the countryside.
The Queue: Back on my…
Surprising no one, I went back to No Man’s Sky for the Frontiers update. I like it in theory, especially the builds menus, but in practice I really wish I could become the Overseer for more than one Settlement at a time. I get that it’s probably a tech limitation more than a gameplay philosophy restriction, but I’d much rather have Preston Garvey constantly hassling me to go open new ones than have to resign my successful settlement on a garbage planet in order to manage a new one on a different garbage planet.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions, and we hopefully give the right answer, because if not the Sentinels will probably attack again.
The Queue: Hearth, Wind, and Fire
Cory thought he could earworm me? And forget this high holy day? As if.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll provide the answers as long as you know a bass player who can fill in.
Lake is a game that’s almost too wholesome — sometimes to the detriment of its emotional beats
The Accuse: First of all, how dare you.
I’d just like to take this opportunity to object strenuously. To everything.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we pick them apart until you’re a little afraid you even asked.
The Queue: Some Catching Up To Do
Am I the only one who was reminded of all the stuff I didn’t quite get around to in previous expansions when they announced Legion Timewalking? I feel like every year or so I find myself back in this heckhouse, trying to muscle my way through all these old achievements. Maybe I’ll get to it later.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll definitely get around to answering. Eventually.
The Queue: Wake me up…
August was a very long, personally pretty fraught month for me, so I’m just gonna hibernate through September and hope everything’s back to normal in October.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we answer… when September ends.
Level your battle pets fast today during the Pet Battle Equinox
The Queue: Somebody’s got a case of the Queuesdays
I think I need more coffee.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we’ll stop wallowing in ennui long enough to answer.
The Queue: Good Riddance
One hobby that I’ve been kind of falling back on lately is playing the ukulele. As such, I’m always on the hunt for new songs to learn that fit my general demeanor, my vocal range, and my beginner-level strumming skill set. One of the songs I’ve really been eager to learn is “Good Riddance” from Hades, for a number of reasons. Vocally, it’s really satisfying because of the intertwined harmony, the chords aren’t too much of a stretch, and it gives me a chance to work on finger picking.
However, because of this, YouTube has been recommending tons of Hadestown videos to me as a result, and I’m just not prepared for that amount of emotional devastation, especially since Annapurna Interactive has a new title coming out later this week. I’ve gotta save my spoons, man.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we promise to stop being insufferable theater kids long enough to answer, as long as you wait for me, I’m comin’ too.
Wait. Frick.