Anna Bell
Sword-smooching indie game Boyfriend Dungeon just launched today, and this better not awaken anything in me
The Queue: It’s good to be The Queen.
Pfft, no, of course I’m not launching a coup to take over The Queue. That’s too much rhyming.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we may deign to answer, peasants. Bring me the first petitioner.
The Queue: What’d I miss?
Hey guys! I’ve been on vacation for the first time in two years! Anything big happen in the past two weeks?
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we answer them by cracking a joke or two because we’re deeply upset and cope with gallows humor because otherwise we probably wouldn’t be able to get out of bed.
The Queue: I’m kind of a fun guy
One of the best parts of adventuring to new places is meeting iconic new characters and palling around with them. This guy just told me I’m his favorite mushroom tender, so I’m kind of a big deal.
This is The Queue, where you have questions and we’ll give you the answers via mycelium network.
The Queue: Just another lovely day in Hell!
Hey y’all, it’s time to wake up in hell and probably get ready to fight about video games again, which is its own discrete, but no less tormenting, version of hell.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions but you may not like our answers.
The Queue: Boxing Day
The day after a major patch is usually filled with some hiccups and other fixes to smooth things out, but whether or not this is disruptive can depend largely on your expectations and perspectives.
This is the Queue, where you ask us questions and we supply the answers. Quite.
The Queue: Explosions!
So, since I like to pretend I’m a good parent on Instagram, I’ve been trying to include a bunch of one-off STEM experiments and crafts in my kids’ summertime fun. Ice cream in a bag and fluffy slime were hits, but the former came with a lot of complaining that their arms were going to fall off, and fluffy slime, well, we make slime all the time, but without the shaving cream, which made it smell weird, and ugh, can’t we just play Roblox, mom?
But last week, we exploded soap in the microwave, and now they’re demanding more explosions. On the one hand, I can’t exactly blame them, but on the other hand, I feel like I’ve crossed a terrible threshold in their little lizard brains.
This the The Queue, where if you ask us questions we’ll take long enough to answer for this comically large fuse to burn down. Oh, nothing important, be chill.
Why we’re super excited for the indies we’re seeing showcased — and not many AAA titles
The Queue: A fresh summer hangout sesh
Ah, to be a former Alterra employee building my own spacious underwater seabase piece by painstaking piece.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we can totally answer while we go find more titanium and watch the Nintendo panel. Multitasking is a thing, it’s fine.
The Queue: Now, where was I?
With the summer comes a constant state of interruptions. Between requests for snacks (which I’d intentionally put in a reachable place in the pantry) and complaints of being bored, I’m bored, I’m so booooored, even though I planned super cool activities like exploding soap and ice cream in a bag, I can’t really sit down and just write something like The Queue until everyone is in bed — and of course, one kid wants to stay up past her bed time, and the other is still in the habit of needing me at 3 am, so focusing on anything is
Sorry, I needed to get a kid a bowl of cereal. What were we talking about?
Oh, right, this is The Queue, where you ask us questions and we
Wait, where was I? And where’s my bear?