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Adam Koebel

Adam Koebel @BendakWoW — Adam "Bendak" Koebel has been playing WoW for 10+ years and Blizzard games for longer. You may have seen his writing on his personal WoW blog, Eyes of the Beast, or previously at WoW Insider, Wowhead, and the official Warlords of Draenor Strategy Guide. He’s also one of the co-hosts of the bi-weekly Hunting Party Podcast. He loves playing his hunter, and most of his alts are also hunters.

Locked and Loaded: Hunter trinkets in patch 6.2

The hunter trinkets in Warlords so far have been your standard fare -- passive stats with a proc of some kind. They’re nice DPS boosts but there’s not much fun to be had. Thankfully, things are looking a little more interesting in patch 6.2. Hellfire Citadel has 4 trinkets for hunters, and I was recently able to test them out on the PTR.

Locked and Loaded: Grading the Level 100 hunter talents

I’ve been wanting to discuss our level 100 hunter talents for a while now, but I wasn’t sure what format the post should take. That is, until I saw Scott’s report card for level 100 rogue talents from a couple of weeks ago. I will happily steal his idea. As a pickpocketing rogue, I’m sure he’ll understand. We've had 6 months to play with the level hunter 100 talents and now it's time to see if they live up to the hype.

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