Dan O'Halloran
BlizzCon 2017: Hands on with Alexstrasza and Hanzo in Heroes of the Storm
I had a chance to sit down at the demo stations here at BlizzCon to get my hands on the newly announced champions for Heroes of the Storm, Alexstrasza a ranged support and Hanzo a ranged assassin.
BlizzCon 2017: Heroes of the Storm Alexstrasza and Hanzo Gallery
BlizzCon 2017: Overwatch Blizzard World Gallery
🔒 Patch 7.3 and the Return to WoW
I admit I've been on a WoW break this summer.
Witness Junkrat and Roadhog’s first meeting in Overwatch Wasted Land comic
New Overwatch comic Wasted Land has been released today and the series continues to explore the backstories of our favorite heroes...
New Underlight Angler Fishing Artifact alternate colors unlocked
Patch 7.3 brought new mounts, pets, transmog, toys and other cosmetics to the game, but one thing slipped past our radar.
WoW’s August 2017 calendar has a little something for everyone
Blizzard has released its calendar of events for August and there's plenty to keep everyone busy while patch 7.3 continues to roll out in testing on the PTR.
WoW Patch 7.3 Live Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas Thursday at 11 a.m. PDT
As we get closer to taking the fight to the Legion on planet Argus with patch 7.3, you may have questions about how the patch is going to affect your favorite class, spec, or beloved insanity-inducing Artifact.
StarCraft 2 patch 3.16 includes War Chest BlizzCon promotion
StarCraft 2 just dropped its patch 3.16 notes which include, among other things, the long awaited War Chest: BlizzCon 2017 promotion.
Don’t forget! BlizzCon ticket name change deadline is tonight
If you were one of the lucky ones that scooped up a BlizzCon 2017 ticket this year a very important deadline is looming.