Phil Xavier
What are your favorite World Quests or Public Events in Dragonflight?
Who is Reno Jackson? The story of Hearthstone’s famed explorer (who has a big secret)
Say goodbye to another Hearthstone game mode: Hearthstone Duels to be discontinued in April 2024
Which character’s stories do you want to see the most in The War Within?
The Queue: Red sus
But I mean, come on: Purple is clearly the culprit. He has an alien-like tongue that lashes out at his enemies. And several large, pointy teeth. And he makes some… strange noises, that no other crewmate makes. Yet people still blame it on poor Red!
This is The Queue. There are vampires in space?!
The Queue: Gainsborough & Lockhart
Who cares about saving the world again? I’d rather watch these girls hitchhiking their way to Costa del Sol and going on a shopping date. Jessie and Yuffie can come too!
But while that doesn’t happen, why don’t we answer some Queue questions?
How to use the new Tavern Spells in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 6
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 6 starts on December 5, bringing Tavern Spells to the game
The Queue: The last Metroid is in captivity. The galaxy is at peace.
Hello, citizens of Planet Queue. Renowned bounty hunter Samus Aran has just saved the galaxy again — even if it cost us a planet or two. Since we’re up here, let’s listen to the theme for Upper Brinstar (aka “Brinstar Green”) while we answer some questions, shall we?