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Mitch —

The Queue: I chose Darkness

My 2021 journey through the Soulsborne series is inching closer to its completion. The other day, I beat the final (non-DLC) boss of Dark Souls 2, which leaves just the DLC and then Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro left on my list of “to finish” Soulsborne games. For the unfamiliar, the games typically have a “choose your own ending” element to them — not surprisingly, I favor the endings that lead the world into an age of Dark.

Anyhow, I’ll talk more about my Soulsborne obsessions tomorrow — for today, we Queue.

The Queue: That kinda week

I think the title says it all here. It’s been a long week, and it’s likely to get longer. I hope y’all are staying healthy (physically and emotionally).

For now, let’s distract ourselves with a Queue, shall we?

The Queue: SGDQueue

I realize there’s a whole h*ckin’ lot of stuff happening in the WoWverse right now, but also… It’s my favorite time of the year! Summer Games Done Quick is currently underway, and while we’re a little over halfway through, there’s still plenty on deck to love. Tomorrow and Saturday in particular have some top picks like Fire Emblem Three Houses, Breath of the Wild, and Mario 64 — but I’d suggest checking out the entire schedule for your personal favorites and tuning in. Even if you’ve never seen a speedrun, I bet you’ll have a good time (and you’ll be supporting a good cause!)

Anyhow, I could talk about GDQ forever. But this is The Queue, and it’s time to Queue things.

(As a note: The first two questions talk around the latest cinematic. Nothing is explicitly spoiled, but please do be careful if you’d like to go into the raid 100% blind!)

The Queue: Same

Danganronpa sure is something else.

The game is technically in the “visual novel” genre, but it has so many unexpected, off-the-wall elements that “visual novel” doesn’t seem to do it justice. It feels like Phoenix Wright crossed with Three Houses crossed with… well, a murderous bear (and then some).

I’ve been watching the Game Grumps playthrough of it, and while some moments make it hard to fully recommend — an entire class trial revolves around some very problematic takes on gender identity, for instance — it’s still been quite the trip. I’m going in completely blind, so I have no idea how it’ll all end, but it continually seems to surprise me. I’m curious if any of y’all have played it and, if so, what you thought.

But enough about that. This is The Queue.

The Queue: Too. Many. Games.

Man, there are just too many games to play right now, and it’s not slowing down. I’ve been trucking through New Pokémon Snap lately, but Resident Evil: Tall Lady comes out tonight/tomorrow, and then the Mass Effect remaster comes out next week. How’s a person supposed to beat all these games when you only have a week between them?!

…At least the one that’s going to take me the longest comes out last.

Anyhow, this is The Queue, where we Queue things.

The Queue: Bok

It has been one crazy week after another here, but A Thing™ I’ve been helping work on for a while finally made its way out into the world last night, and it’s been cool watching people react to and devour said thing. (Sadly, I still have to keep details brief for now.)

Anyhow, I’ve also been playing FFXIV a bit again, and, hoo boy, is that game a trip. I appreciate Square’s willingness to let it just be weird sometimes.

But enough about that. Let’s Queue.

The Queue: Somehow, halfway through April

Anyone else feel like the month just started? This has admittedly been a bit of a tumultuous month for me, but even still, it’s hard to believe we’re halfway through it already.

But Jovan’s the expert on time, so I’ll leave that discussion for another day.

Right now, we Queue.

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