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Mitch —

The Queue: Into the Jovan-Verse

Happy Tuesday, folks! It’s a rare Queue that I finish Monday night before midnight, but it seems this will be one of those rarities. I don’t want to risk jinxing this and having to re-write this intro, so why not hop to it?

Let’s Queue.

The Queue: I don’t know what happened

I’m gonna be completely honest with you guys: I have no idea what happened in terms of April Fool’s jokes yesterday. I spent Sunday away from home, fell asleep extra early, and then spent all of Monday doing work. So anything that transpired after Saturday is not something I’m privy to.

That said, you guys were pretty cool about asking questions, despite “Mitch having Queue duty the day after AFD [be] the most poetic form of justice,” according to PumaBackup. JOKE’S ON YOU, PUMA! I GOT PLENTY OF QUESTIONS!

With that in mind, let’s Queue.

The Queue: Team Wizard wins with wisdom (and weapons )

This month’s Splatfest was Knights versus Wizards, and (probably not surprisingly) I went with Team Wizard. While the “popularity” portion of this one was a total blowout (62%), the Normal and Pro win categories were probably the closest I’ve ever seen them be in a Splatfest. Normal wins put Wizards solidly at 50.27%, while Pro wins actually had them lose with 49.70% of all wins.

Regardless, that Normal win percentage was all it took to put them on top for the overall results — exactly as it should have been. Good job, Wizards.

Now, let’s Queue.

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