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Ted Atchley

Ted Atchley @honorshammer — Ted Atchley is a writer, gamer, and professional computer programmer. He’s been playing Blizzard games all the way back to the original Starcraft. He’s a fourteen year veteran of World of Warcraft with most of that time as a Paladin and has played Hearthstone since open Beta. He lives in beautiful Charleston, SC with his wife and children. When not writing for Blizzard Watch or gaming, you’ll find him spending time with his family, working on his novel, and cheering on his beloved Carolina Panthers. You can find more about his writing journey at tedatchley.com

Everything in Wrath of the Lich King Classic’s five content phases

Like WoW Classic and Burning Crusade Classic before it, Wrath of the Lich King Classic starts at a late patch (3.3.5) in terms of balance and class changes, but game content will roll out over the course of five phases, as well as a prepatch interval I’m terming “phase zero.” It mimics the original game release to an extent, but there will be some items whose availability will be unlocked as well over the course of the phases.

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