Blizzard may have accidentally revealed that Rathma is in the Diablo 4 cinematic
The internet is full of theories about the identity of the pale man who summoned Lilith in the Diablo 4 BlizzCon trailer.
Could Diablo 4 be a more enduring game without Diablo?
Reading this interview with Diablo 4's Game Director Luis Barriga and John Mueller the game's Art Director, I keep thinking about what it all means -- where we're going and what it means for the future of Diablo 4 and the Diablo franchise as a whole.
What gaming did you do over the long weekend?
This weekend, for many folks in America, was an extra long one thanks to the Thanksgiving holiday.
What have you been playing in Diablo Season 19?
I'm trying to decide if I can get away with an entire paragraph of pretending I'm playing anything but what I actually am this Diablo 3 Season.
Everything we know about the Diablo 4 Sorceress
Diablo 4's Sorceress class draws inspiration straight from Diablo 2.
When does Diablo 3 Season 19 begin? Tonight!
We now have official confirmation that Diablo 3 Season 19 will arrive on November 22nd, which is (surprise!) today.
David Kim talks System Design and Diablo 4, reveals how much is still up in the air
Often, the people who play video games say they wish the devs of said games would pay more attention to them and their concerns.
Everything we know about the Diablo 4 Barbarian
If you liked the Barbarian from Diablo 3, you're going to like the Barbarian in Diablo 4, and if you liked the Barbarian in Diablo 2? Well, I've got good news for you.
Can I play Diablo 4 on Nintendo Switch?
Right now, no, you cannot play Diablo 4 on the Nintendo Switch.
Rip the elemental world asunder with our Diablo 3 Wizard 101 Guide
Are you just dying to play the Sorceress coming in Diablo 4?