The decks you need to win the Wacky Waxy Winter Veil Tavern Brawl
Greatfather Kobold takes over the Tavern with the alliterative Wacky Waxy Winter's Veil Tavern Brawl.
It’s time to play ball in Hearthstone’s Cloneball Tavern Brawl
It's back to the randomness in this week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl, Cloneball!
Hearthstone ups the ante (literally) with the pricey Heroic Brawliseum Tavern Brawl [Standard]
This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl, Heroic Brawliseum [Standard], is a strange amalgamation of the Arena and the Ladder.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 9 starts on December 3, removing Trinkets, adding Hero Rerolls, and more — now live!
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 9 is now live! Hearthstone patch 31.2 launched with Season 9: Enter the Technotavern, and as expected, the new season also removed Trinkets from the game.
How to play with the three new heroes in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 9
With the release of Season 9, Hearthstone Battlegrounds is adding three new heroes to the game: Farseer Nobundo with his spell-copying powers, Zerek, Master Cloner with the ability to create an exact copy of a friendly minion, and Exarch Othaar with his discounted spells.
The decks you need to win The Fury of Kael’thas Hearthstone WILD Tavern Brawl
After escaping Castle Nathria, Kael'thas Sunstrider headed down to Bob's Tavern for an adult beverage and Hearthstone's The Fury of Kael'Thas Tavern Brawl.
When does Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 10 start?
We don't have an official release date for Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 10 yet, but based on the release dates for previous seasons, our educated guess is that Season 10 will start on April 2025.
The decks you need to get a high score in Hearthstone’s Storming Stormwind Tavern Brawl
What's the secret to a high score in the Hearthstone Storming Stormwind Tavern Brawl?
How could Draenei work as a minion type in Hearthstone Battlegrounds?
Draenei are coming to Hearthstone Battlegrounds at some point, that's a given after they were added as a new minion type in The Great Dark Beyond.
There’s something fishy about Hearthstone’s Send in the Murlocs Tavern Brawl
If you love Murloc decks in Hearthstone, you'll love this Tavern Brawl.