Bolvar and the ongoing advance of the Lich King
We'd like to think Bolvar is doing fine as the Lich King, but a closer look at the Death Knight campaign reveals some peculiar similarities, and raises some disturbing questions.
Know Your Lore: The Legacy of the Fordragons
We still don't know much about the Fordragon family.
Know Your Lore: The fate of Sylvanas Windrunner
There are certain themes we hear when discussing Sylvanas Windrunner and her role in World of Warcraft lately.
A quick and dirty guide to the lore of the first Diablo game
In order to understand a game franchise, you have to understand where it started.
Know Your Lore: Wrathion’s tale
Wrathion is one of the more enigmatic lore figures in Warcraft lore. Here's a look back at what we know, as his new model hits the patch 8.2.5 PTR.
Know Your Lore: The Story of Battle For Azeroth: what brought us to the battle
Well, some of the story of Battle for Azeroth, anyway.
Know Your Diablo Lore: The Nightmare in the Desert
We've already talked about how the story of Diablo 3 opened.
Know Your Diablo Lore: The road to Caldeum
Last time, we talked about the story of Diablo 3 up until the hero who had come to New Tristram managed to destroy the Skeleton King and find the Fallen Star.
Know Your Diablo Lore: What is actually happening in Diablo 3?
I've had people ask me for a round up of the plot of Diablo 3 for a while.
Know Your Lore, Diablo Edition: The Angiris Council and the fate of Sanctuary
The demons of the Burning Hells have the Greater and Lesser Evils, but those seven dark eminences agreed on almost nothing, and as a result, the Hells have almost never been united to a singular purpose.