Know Your Lore: The mysterious absence of Hakkar the Soulflayer
In an expansion that deals heavily with the Loa, one is particularly conspicuous in his absence.
Know Your Lore: What information has been lost to the thousands of unrecorded years in Azeroth’s history?
One of the things that we don't really talk about enough when we talk about World of Warcraft and its lore is that there are vast swathes of history we know nothing about. Legion actually went and added a ton of lore with the Artifacts, and a result of all that lore being added is that we're much more aware of just how much we aren't aware of -- that sounds paradoxical, but it isn't.
Know Your Lore TFH: The lost origins of Hallow’s End
What do we know about Hallow's End?
Know Your Lore: Could there be other Titans out there?
Players have learned of the Pantheon plenty over the course of World of Warcraft.
Know Your Lore: G’huun and the ruins of Nazmir
It can be fairly said that the Zandalari have endured for many thousands of years, and that in all that time, much of their history has been forgotten.
Wrathion: His history and new hints in Battle for Azeroth
For those of you who skipped Mists of Pandaria, it was in this expansion that we formally met Wrathion, a member of the Black Dragonflight.
Know Your Lore: Kul Tiras’ place in the seven Human kingdoms and its future in the Alliance
Long ago, the empire of Arathor splintered into seven distinct kingdoms: Lordaeron, Dalaran, Gilneas, Stromgarde, Alterac, Stormwind, and Kul Tiras.
Know Your Lore: The long reach of the Prophet Zul
If you've played Horde this expansion, then you've gotten a real in-depth look at the Prophet Zul.
Know Your Lore: Taelia, the lost daughter of Kul Tiras
Taelia is one of the first few people Alliance players meet in Kul Tiras.
Know Your Lore: The Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras
When last we left off, Katherine Proudmoore had finally realized that her nation was in trouble.