The Queue
The Queue: The miraculous day when we all feel okay
For clarification, today is not that day, but let’s hold out hope for tomorrow. Or maybe the day after. The day after that?
Anyway, I just got my Covid shot and hit the hour where I feel like falling over. It’s not that I don’t love you guys, but also I want to pass out now. Let’s Queue (and then take a nap).
The Queue: I will do what I must
One of the many little things I loved about the Obi-Wan Kenobi series was how it basically highlights how the fall of the Jedi was the Jedi’s fault — how their failure to embrace the Force in all its aspects, the Dark and the Light, Hate and Anger and Love and the wild tumult of the heart, how their turning away from the will of the Living Force was their undoing.
The Queue: I may be just a schoolgirl… but now I’m a schoolgirl with a giant robot!
On yesterday’s Queue, Anna correctly mentioned that I love 13 Sentinels, and gave it a shout for my benefit. Well, who’d have imagined that I’d be writing the Queue the next day, and giving it more than just a shout, but a whole dedicated article!
This is The Queue. We eat crepes and answer questions, and we’re all out of crepes, so let’s go.
The Queue: Have a nice trip! See you next fall!
We’re officially in BlizzCon Month! There are so many things we have to get ready even before some of us start making the trip out to sunny Anaheim that it simultaneously feels like we have tons and tons of work to do on a daily basis, and yet there’s almost nothing going on. A quiet before the Heroes of the Storm, if you will.
This is The Queue, the daily column where you ask us questions and we’re not freaking out, are you freaking out? Because we’re not freaking out.
The Queue: It’s spooky time!
We’re officially into the Autumn season and the best month of the year!
Seriously October has all of the best things: it’s cool enough to wear all my nice sweaters again, hot drinks like cider and pumpkin-spiced coffees, cold pumpkin-flavored beers, Canadian Thanksgiving, my birthday, and best of all — Halloween!
While I indulge in all of the above a little too much, it’s time for — The Queue!
The Queue: Whatever happens to Friday?
Every day of the week seems to rush by, and then we are left again at Friday. Somehow, this is always a surprise.
But since it’s Friday, let’s get to it and Queue.
The Queue: I am extremely sick
Like, I’m rocketing between extremes in terms of my blood sugar, which means I’m having these moments of twitching, shuddering, and in fact barely being able to function at all. After two days of being a sweaty wreck, I’m hoping my body will just let me sleep at this point.
Anyway, it’s the Queue, I feel like stinky hot garbage, let’s do this.
The Queue: Sleepless Again and Again
I was going to get The Queue done at the wee hours of the night/morning, but there wasn’t too much to work with. Thankfully, y’all delivered and my cup runneth over with queuestions.
So let’s dive right in, shall we?
The Queue: Cozy Fall Gaming Session?
Every year, I get really excited for fall. The slightly crisp air, the food, the crunchy leaves, the cozy vibe, all come together to make it my favorite part of the year. And then as soon as I take a good, deep breath, I remember that this means we’re also rounding the corner on the most intensely busy time of the year. Between holidays, fall fundraisers, and the amount of stuff that getting ready for winter entails, I’m always too overwhelmed to truly enjoy it. But today? Today I’m wearing a soft gray henley and sipping a coffee with some nutmeg in it, and I’m pretty ok with that.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions, and we promise we’re thinking of something other than what we should buy for our Halloween costume while we answer.
The Queue: Remember Brewfest?!
It’s back, in pog form!
Wait, have I made this joke before…
Anyway, this is the first time in a long time that I’ve actually done anything at Brewfest. Usually, I just run a single Coren Direbrew to see if I get obnoxiously lucky and collect a mount I already have. Otherwise, there hasn’t been enough of an update in so long that I haven’t felt the need — which is a shame! I like the whole vibe that it has, but I spent far too much time working on it back in the day to get the original Racing Ram. However this year with the Brewfest-themed saddle and it being an easy source of Trading Post Tender I’ve been back a few times to run some barrels around — and just like riding a bike, I remembered the route.
While I drink some more coffee to sober up, it’s time for — The Queue!