Breakfast Topic: Fear
This one's a little personal, but you all know about it already, so why not?
Know Your Lore: Vindicator Maraad
Some of us define ourselves by our successes.
Shifting Perspectives: Legion alpha Druid Artifact traits
The Legion alpha patch that came through last week finally dropped in the last of the missing major traits for the Druid Artifacts.
No epic battle pets in Legion
A recent Legion build added new battle stones that would increase the maximum rarity of pets from rare to epic — and because epic pets would be a lot more powerful than rare pets, it would mean everyone would have to get them in order to do Legion pet battles.
BlizzCaps: The world turned upside down
Submitter Lokran of Aggramar (US-H) writes, "This is an odd little bug I happened upon in doing the Love is in the Air dailies.
Artifact Quest Preview: T’uure, Holy Priests’ weapon of Light
Some of the most anticipated additions coming to World of Warcraft: Legion are the Artifact weapons.
Plaguebearer: Matters of mobility for Death Knights
As new builds unfold on the Legion alpha, adjustments, revisions, additions, and cuts continue to be made to various class toolkits.
Webcomic Wrapup: My best work
Can’t keep up with all of the great WoW-centric (and WoW-adjacent) webcomics out there?
BlizzCaps: The bear necessities
Submitter Skywatcher of Argent Dawn (US-H) writes, "Here's my Tauren hunter settling down for a little nap on his new bed.
Watch us get lost in Legion’s new dungeon, The Arcway
Although we had a few technical hiccups with the leveling stream on Thursday, we managed to completely clear the Legion alpha's latest dungeon, The Arcway.