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The Queue: What is Friday? Why is Friday?

I don’t know why this week feels so weird, like it is simultaneously Thursday and Saturday, but definitely not Friday. I assume that it’s because I haven’t been correctly turning pages on my dog-a-day calendar, because how can I know what the day is unless an adorable dog provides this information from my desk? Really, it’s impossible to know, and thus I have entered a state in which time has no meaning.

But I think it may actually be Friday… so here we go, let’s Queue.

The Queue: I have forgotten what sleep is

I am not kidding or exaggerating when I tell you I am functioning on less than an hour a day of sleep.

So this is going to be a Queue where I’m even less coherent than I usually am. So get ready for that.

Oh, and go play Tyranny because it’s one of the best written CRPG’s in history. I’d put it up with Planescape Torment or Fallout 2 for best CRPG story.

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