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The Queue: New Elysium

I am on record as loving Celldweller and New Elysium is on repeat lately.

I know I haven’t been around much lately and I’m sorry for that, but honestly, you’re probably a little bummed to get me this week instead of whatever cool thing Liz was going to do. I guess I could talk about a dinosaur or something, but really who cares?

It’s the Queue. Anyone who can guess what that header image is all about will get one free dinosaur fact in next week’s Queue.

The Queue: Tavern Talk

Tavern Talk comes out tomorrow. A fantasy version of one of my favorite games Coffee Talk (which was an inspiration for it), Tavern Talk looks like a fun opportunity to be an innkeeper, sending adventurers on quests and changing their fates via the drinks you serve. I played the demo when it was first released (still available if you want to give the game a whirl beforehand) and every character I’ve met so far is a delight. Based on what I’ve seen I’m hopeful that the full game will fulfill the promise of its demo and inspirations, and if not well I always have Coffee Talk to play again.

So while I impatiently wait for the game to release let’s answer some questions!

The Queue: Spiders

While we deal with this blazing heat, one creature seems completely unphased. I’ve been knocking down joro spider webs on a near-daily basis for nearly a month. Right now they’re tiny little babies, about the size of a tic-tac. And yet each one of my tomato cages alone plays host to a half dozen or more, every time.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us the questions and we’re really, really grateful for the crab filter.

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