Anima Drought
What should Blizzard do to (further) fix Anima? What do you think would make players happy about the Anima system?
Anima, like other rewards in Shadowlands, kind of feels bad at the moment.
The Anima drought is easing up (but not by much) as Blizzard increases Anima rewards (in certain cases)
The Shadowlands Anima drought is coming to a close...
What kind of new ways would you like to see us gather Anima, and should there be new things to do with it?
Right now, a good deal of World of Warcraft's gameplay loop is about Anima.
Afterlives: Revendreth showcases a realm of darkness and secrets being forced into the light
By now we've all watched the new Afterlives: Revendreth animated short and we've all seen a certain Warchief return (if in slightly diminished circumstances) and we've also all gotten to listen to Sire Denathrius' best PR spin on the Anima drought in the form of an open letter to the Venthyr of Revendreth.
Who is the Jailer in WoW Shadowlands?
The short and unhelpful answer to the question Who is the Jailer is that guy up there at the head of the post -- Game Director Ion Hazzikostas confirmed on his live interview with that the folks at Wowhead had successfully datamined the fella's model, and that up above is it.