What kind of new ways would you like to see us gather Anima, and should there be new things to do with it?

Right now, a good deal of World of Warcraft‘s gameplay loop is about Anima. How to get it, what to do with it once you have it, and the huge amounts of it you’ll need to gather in order to achieve your goals, whatever they happen to be from upgrading your Covenant Sanctum fully to getting pretty wings for your Night Fae or what have you. I don’t judge. I also like pretty back decorations. But it does feel to me like there are some issues with Anima — it’s hard to get, and then when you get done gathering as much as you can stand for a week you just dump it in a Reservoir and that’s not a really fun feeling.
I find myself wondering if Shadowlands needs its own version of Island Expeditions — some way you can focus on gathering the stuff if you’re really of a mind to. Also, I’d really love it if there wasn’t so much of a feeling like you’re wasting your Anima if you don’t just upgrade upgrade upgrade with it — I want to be able to buy transmog with it without feeling like I’m stabbing myself in the foot. I mean, it’s a game, we play it to have fun, as much as I understand what we’re going for with the whole The Shadowlands are starved for Anima vibe, we could throttle back on it and let me buy cool back armor that looks like swirling twig wings.
So I ask y’all — if you were going to put another way to put Anima into the game, what would it be? Another big world boss that drops it? A platforming puzzle game oh why did I suggest that now Blizzard will do it and I’ll bash my head into the floor for a week straight? And, whatever they did introduce, what would you want them to add for us to do with that Anima, if anything? A Batmobile? I bet you Revendreth types would like a Batmobile.
I literally mean a mobile you could hang over a bed that has bats on it, and not a car, just to be clear.
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