Battle For Azeroth
Battle for Azeroth has lots of new crafted items, but doesn’t overhaul the system
I'll be honest, after Legion I have a hard time getting excited for crafted items in WoW.
Battle for Azeroth Boralus updates: Boralus Harbor and Tradewinds Market
This Before the Storm preview has so many spoilers
We put spoiler warnings on stuff all the time.
Battle for Azeroth Gallery: Lordaeron Ruins
Yes, Hunters, you may slay your enemies with magical unicorns in Battle for Azeroth
Hunters are getting a whole host of new pet families in Battle for Azeroth - including the elusive unicorn.
That datamined Mag’har broadcast text isn’t as bad as you think it is
In all likelihood, you probably have heard, at the very least, rumblings about some newly datamined Battle for Azeroth dialog pertaining to the Mag'har Orcs.
What sorts of benefits should toggling on world PVP with War Mode offer?
In one of the recent Battle for Azeroth beta builds, War Mode was added in all its glory.
On-use racial abilities and trinkets no longer to be added to GCD on the beta
This is a change I'm pretty happy about.
The Queue: RSTUV
Sometimes you just feel weird. Right? I feel weird sometimes.
Let’s talk Blizzard.
New ranking, rewards system coming to PVP in Battle for Azeroth
PVP is getting a pretty substantial revamp in Battle for Azeroth -- PVP servers will be taking their leave, while a new bounty hunting system should make things a little more interesting for players.