How to activate Elemental Rune Dungeons in Cataclysm Classic, including the new Phase 4 dungeons
Elemental Rune Dungeons are a continuation of the Titan Rune Dungeons introduced in Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 2 and function as an optional difficulty mode in Cataclysm Classic dungeons that players can choose to do to earn for higher level rewards as well as currency to purchase with a specific vendor.
Farming for mounts in Dragon Soul just got a whole lot easier with these quality of life changes
In a stealth quality of life change, several of the least enjoyable aspects of Cataclysm's final raid, Dragon Soul, have been adjusted in retail with patch 11.0.5.
Every Gem available in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic
Cataclysm Classic is on the way and as always a new expansion brings new enchants and new gems to give your character power above what gear can provide.
How to unlock flying in WoW Cataclysm Classic
When Cataclysm Classic launches on May 20, players will be immediately available to fly (almost) anywhere in World of Warcraft Classic, which is bit differently than how flying worked in Burning Crusade Classic and Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Instead of being locked behind max level and an ungodly currency sink, most WoW Classic players can easily access the flying trainer to help them traverse through a different Azeroth.
Classic players, get ready for the Day that Deathwing Came (again): Cataclysm Classic release date is May 20, 2024!
World of Warcraft's next Classic expansion will be Cataclysm Classic, launching on May 20, 2024.
How far would you like to see Blizzard take Season of Discovery?
Prior to BlizzCon 2023, it was a solid bet that the next season of WoW Classic content was going to follow in the footsteps of Season of Mastery: a short form, level 1-60 experience in Classic/vanilla Azeroth.
Every Enchant Available in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic
Cataclysm Classic gives WoW Classic players the chance to explore an expanded Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor and to defeat Deathwing, acquiring new equipment along the way — and you’ll want new enchants to go with them.
Cataclysm Classic zones, dungeons, and raids gallery
A first look at WoW Classic's take on Cataclysm in Cataclysm Classic.
Some changes are coming to WoW Cataclysm Classic
At BlizzCon 2023, we learned that our World of Warcraft Classic journey is continuing in 2024 when Cataclysm Classic makes its way to the game.
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic is coming in the first half of 2024
In a highly anticipated (and expected) move, World of Warcraft Executive Producer Holly Longdale announced that World of Warcraft Classic's journey is indeed continuing in Cataclysm Classic.