World of Warcraft Shadowlands will start beta testing next week
During today's Shadowlands developer update, we learned that the alpha test is essentially close to being finished, and that the beta test will start next week.
Everything we know about the Night Fae Covenant in WoW Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, the Night Fae Covenant shows us the mirror to the Emerald Dream and the darker half of the Wheel of Life.
All of the class changes and abilities we know about in WoW Shadowlands (so far)
Shadowlands is bringing back the class fantasy feeling of Legion, so much that they cheekily called it "The Unpruning" — undoing the "surgical pruning" that had been happening since Warlords of Draenor.
It will be easy to leave Shadowlands Covenants, but not easy to go back
If you remember Azerite Armor -- which you should if you're currently playing Battle for Azeroth -- then you'll remember Azerite Reforging.
Everything we know about the Necrolord Covenant in WoW Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, the Necrolord Covenant is considered the military might of the Shadowlands and protects it against external forces that wage war against the enemies of Death.
Everything we know about the Kyrian Covenant in WoW Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, the Kyrian Covenant is all about righteousness, valor, and humility, while giving us fluffy owl buddies and wing transmogs.
Everything we know about the Venthyr Covenant in WoW Shadowlands
In Shadowlands, the Venthyr Covenant is all about punishment and atonement.
Which Covenant should I choose in WoW Shadowlands?
In Legion, we gained our story by being part of a class Order, and each class had a different path through the expansion due to this overarching storyline unique to the individual Order Halls.
Everything we know about WoW’s Shadowlands expansion
At BlizzCon 2019 we got the show-stopping announcement we've been waiting for: World of Warcraft's eighth expansion will be Shadowlands.
What was your favorite BlizzCon 2019 announcement?
BlizzCon had a lot of great surprises, but my favorite announcement wasn't a game, or a feature, or even a release date.