Deck List
Building your starting Marvel Snap decks
There are two key components to winning most collectible card games: there’s deck building, where you decide which cards go into your deck, and then there’s piloting, the turn to turn decision of which cards to play, and for some games where on the game board to play them.
13 hot Hearthstone decks to try in the Boomsday Project expansion
Good news, everyone, Hearthstone's Boomsday Project expansion is here.
Hearthstone nerfs hit some decks hard, but these decks are all winners
The nerfbat swingeth in Hearthstone.
Hearthstone decks to try out in the Witchwood expansion
A new Hearthstone season is upon us with the release of The Witchwood.
Playing Reno Mage in Hearthstone
I should warn you that Reno Mage isn't exactly an affordable deck to put together.
Deck Tech: Hearthstone’s Reno Warlock
This week's deck centers around the new Reno Jackson legendary that came out with League of Explorers.
Deck Tech: Hearthstone’s Echo Mage deck doubles up on minions
This week, I wanted to shine the spotlight on a deck that placed in the finals of one of my recent Fireside tournaments.
Deck Tech: Revisiting Hearthstone’s Shaman decks
I'll admit it, I've given Shaman decks a hard time before in the past.
Deck Tech: Demon Handlock
While decks like last week's Secrets Paladin have an explosive strategy, Handlock relies heavily on having as many options available to deal with threats.
Deck Tech: Secrets Paladin
A new season signifies the Hearthstone metagame slowly stabilizing.