Gift Of N’Zoth
What would it take for you to join up with the Old Gods?
The Old Gods appear all throughout World of Warcraft. They've been some of the most memorable bosses and have twisted the very landscape around them to be more in line with their vision for the world, and it seems like no matter what, they always have legions of devoted followers.
Good news! Fiendish Old God fans get to keep their Gift of N’Zoth
So you decided you like having an eyeball on your forehead.
What should happen for players who made the correct choice and chose to keep the Gift of N’Zoth?
Throughout Battle for Azeroth, there have been a few moments in which players were allowed to make crucial choices that showcased what side of a particular conflict they fell on.
Gift of N’Zoth is sending secret messages to its true followers, but we don’t know what they mean
Did you keep your Gift of N'Zoth?
Just what is going on in the Crucible of Storms?
Why are we going into the Crucible of Storms?