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Discussion > WoWOct 14, 2019 8:00 am CT

What should happen for players who made the correct choice and chose to keep the Gift of N’Zoth?

Throughout Battle for Azeroth, there have been a few moments in which players were allowed to make crucial choices that showcased what side of a particular conflict they fell on. The most notable, of course, were the ones in which Horde players could choose to remain loyal to the Warchief and the undeniably correct Syvlanas or decide to betray the Horde and side with that traitor Saurfang. That particular set of choices ended in unique endings depending to the War Campaign, depending on what side you chose. Sylvanas loyalists were treated with a small epilogue quest and in-game cutscene to boot. Saurfans got something else. I think it involved being sad or something.

Anyhow, now that that particular choice has (presumably) played out in full, we’re left to find out what the result of the other big choice from this expansion will be. I speak, of course, of the decision to accept (or refuse) the Gift of N’Zoth. So far, keeping the Gift has allowed players to be a pseudo-club who can recognize each other in secret, thanks to holders of the Gift being the only ones able to see the Gift on others. It’s also resulted in hearing whispers at random intervals and seeing some NPC dialog that is pretty darn terrifying.

But those are hopefully just drops in the bucket compared to what the Gift’s presence culminates in. Frankly, I’d love it if accepting the Gift opened up an entirely new area in patch 8.3, sort of like how Scryers and Aldor have separate locations in Shattrath. It would also be nice to see it have a combat mechanic either within the raid or within Horrific Visions, though I admittedly would like the payoff to come in more than just the form of a combat effect. Oh, and I really, really think it would be cool if Blizz showed us a heat map of all the locations N’Zoth has seen as a result of the Gift being on players. Like, is there any part of the world players with the Gift haven’t traveled to in all this time? Or have we really shown him all of Azeroth just by going about our normal business?

There’s a lot of possibility here, and I’m really hoping it pays off big. Don’t get me wrong, the loyalist ending for Sylvanas fans was really cool, and I’m glad it actually provided more lore. But I want the Gift’s effect to be even bigger. I want it to really make this choice count. What about you? What do you think should happen as a result of accepting (or refusing) the Gift of N’Zoth?

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