Jay The Tavern Bard
The Queue: they screm
Rutherford was just a little bit jealous at first, but now he and Daisy are practically best buddies. I’d be really excited about this, but apparently they’re having another of their zany screaming contests! So glad they’re bonding over being loud!
So. Glad.
This is The Queue, where you ask us questions and if we get a quiet moment to ourselves we’ll answer them.
If Blizzard added a NPC in one of their games for you, what would you want it to be?
Sometimes for people very lucky -- or very skilled -- Blizzard will add a tribute to them in one of their games.
BlizzCon talent contest winner Jay the Tavern Bard arrives in Battle for Azeroth
A very cool thing that's happened recently is that BlizzCon talent contest winner Jay the Bard, also known as Jay the Tavern Bard, has gotten an in-game NPC.