Know Your Lore: Warlock Artifact lore in Legion
When it comes to new weapons in Legion, the Warlock Artifact lore we've been given stands in a strange place -- but then, so do Warlocks.
Karazhan to be a dungeon in patch 7.1?
During the World of Warcraft Q&A panel one tidbit got dropped by Tom Chilton, in answer to a question about what role Karazhan would play in Legion, Chilton asked the crowd "What would you think about Karazhan as a five player dungeon in patch 7.1" and got what I believe would be the expected response of shock and excitement from the crowd.
Know Your Lore: Khadgar
The last time I talked about Khadgar, it wasn't really so much of a history and more a questioning Tinfoil Hat Edition, because frankly, Khadgar's place in Warlords has been just a little odd.
No player or guild housing coming to Legion
In an interview with Game-Guide, J.
The Queue: I still miss Karazhan
It’s been a long time since it was new, but I still miss running Karazhan with my then guild. Those were good days…
Know Your Lore: Garona and the Horde
Half-breed. This is by far Garona's most distinguishing feature - half-orc, half-draenei, but inexplicably led to believe she was half-human for a period of time. She never knew her mother, prematurely aged and molded into a tool of the Shadow Council, an assassin on command.